Photo Mechanic > Support

Cannot get my folders to sort in date order

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OK I am tearing my hair out here - I can usually fiddle though stuff or work out why I cant but I am at a dead end.

In my navigator and favourites panel I want the folders in date order - preferably with the newest at the top but hey I will settle for anything right now.  I just cannot get this to happen - unless I have the folders as dated only and I am trying to get away from that.

I have just overhauled my workflow to reduce time and storage waste.  I have previously ingested photos into dated folders with the image names being the date, processed the chosen ones, then copied the jpgs to a named folder, with a subfolder for smaller file copies used online which were renamed for their specific event (yes complicated I know) and the folders went into date order fine.   I am trying to switch to named folders of "event {iptcmonthname3}{iptcday}{iptcyear}" with photos named the same with a sequence.  Then a subfolder with jpgs and a sub-subfolder of small files.  My problem is that the named folders will not go into date order.  Nor are they in alphabetical order.  Nor are they in order last used (I deliberately opened the folders and sent stuff to Flickr in date order to see if that was the problem.)

I have folders that are supposed to be date descending that go 12, 7,6,9,10 (all February) or first letter of name D,B,T,B,F.

My windows folder is set on date descending and the folders are correct in that view - I see the newest first.

In looking for solutions to this I came across a thread about setting preferences in the navigator and favourites tab by right clicking in them and selecting preferences - when I do this the only thing that comes up is to display hidden files and display system files, there is nothing about setting the order of the folders.

I am using photo mechanic 5 build 19094.

Kirk Baker:
Would you mind posting a screen shot of your Navigator showing the problem?  Use the 'Attachments and other options' link when you're composing your reply to this message and there you'll be able to upload your JPEG format screenshot.




Kirk Baker:

--- Quote from: starsphinx on February 15, 2018, 04:48:47 AM ---Sure.

--- End quote ---

Thanks.  And could you post a screenshot of how Windows Explorer orders them?


I have done 2 one in my normal view and one with list arrangement as it is easier to see


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