Summary from Photo Mechanic staff:
- "A M1 native version won't use significantly less power"
- "The Rosetta2 emulator converts a non-native application into native code as it runs. This process doesn't take long, and once it does, the code is essentially "M1-native"
- "... the great majority of operations in PM are limited by disk I/O speed".
- "It is unlikely that a native M1 app will eke out significantly more disk performance than an emulated (dynamically recompiled by Rosetta2) one."
- "The next major version of Photo Mechanic and Photo Mechanic Plus will be M1-native."
- From webpage "much of the Apple Silicon speed improvements will already be apparent under emulation with the current versions of Photo Mechanic [PM6]"
From the above, can we conclude:
-M1 version of Photo Mechanic is not needed for PM6?
- Given that the next major version of PM will be Apple silicon native and that PM6 in emulation runs well according to Camera bits staff comments: Apple silicon native version is not a major reason to upgrade to PM7?