Are you sure you are on the current build? Current builds of Photo Mechanic on MacOS display the icons in grayscale, not color, as shown in your screenshot. I would recommend that you make sure the software is up to date, but the issue is likely due to a setting in MacOS System Preferences called Full Disk Access:
1. Quit out of Photo Mechanic 6.
2. Open up the macOS System Preferences and go to "Security and Privacy".
3. Under the Privacy tab, select 'Full Disk access' on the left hand side.
4. Click the padlock in the bottom left to unlock it.
5. Enter your administrator password to be able to make changes.
6. Find Photo Mechanic in the list on the right and check the box next to it (if Photo Mechanic is not in the list, select the + sign under the window and add it from the Applications folder).
7. Close the System Preferences window.
This should resolve the issue on this computer moving forward, but please let us know if it does not.