Author Topic: shortcuts  (Read 8163 times)

Offline royfel

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« on: June 23, 2006, 11:06:34 PM »
is there a list of shortcuts anywhere?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: shortcuts
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 12:05:07 AM »
is there a list of shortcuts anywhere?

From the (work in progress) manual: These are for the Mac, but the major difference between the Mac version and Windows version is when you see "option" then you should use "shift" on Windows.

Preview Window:

Esc: close Preview Window
Q: toggle rendering Quality (RAW vs. Preview)
Z: turn zoom on/off
+: increase zoom factor
-: decrease zoom factor
L: lock the two previews so that you can pan around in them together
O: one up view
V: two up view (landscapes)
H: two up view (portraits)
Tab: switch active preview pane when in 2-up modes
C: toggle color management
F: full screen mode (toggles)
R: restore from full screen mode
G or /: Swap current photo to second view in a 2-up view (Greg Gorman key)
1-8, 0: set color class
T, .: toggle tag
U: upload photo
X: toggle crop tool
[: rotate CCW
]: rotate CW
A: play sounds (if any). Typing A again will stop sound playback.
I: IPTC Info
D: dismiss photo from selection
Y: copy photo
M: rename photo
E: edit photo
S: save as
Space bar: used in zoom mode to get "hand" cursor to pan around screen.
option key: will give you the "hand" cursor in zoom mode as well.
option-arrow keys will pan around in the zoomed mode.
shift-option-arrow keys will pan around in the zoomed mode, but faster (50 pixels instead of 10 at a time)
option-scroll wheel will zoom in and out of the photo.
Command-click: zoom in and center on click point.  Command-click again will return to scale-to-fit mode.  The Windows equivalent is Control-click.

Contact sheet:
C: toggle color management
If you have only one photo selected then:
You can use the arrow keys to move the selection around.
Hitting the space bar will preview the photo that is selected.
A: will play any sounds. Typing A again will stop sound playback.
T: toggle tag
+: turn tag on
-: turn tag off
[: rotate CCW
]: rotate CW
U: upload photo via FTP
L: select and scroll to last previewed photo

Esc: Exit slideshow
Space, right arrow: advance to next photo
Backspace, left arrow: show previous photo
Delete, D: dismiss photo from slideshow
+: Tag photo
-: Untag photo
T: Toggle tag
0, 1-8: Set color class of photo
Caps Lock: pause slideshow if on Auto

I also wanted to let you know that if you hold down the option key when doing various things, it will perform shortcuts. For instance, when you are in the Rename dialog, holding down the option key and clicking on the "Set {seqn} variable..." button will reset the sequence variable.  We call this usage of the Option/Shift key the "shortcut key".

Other places this works:
If you have done a rename and just want to select some more photos and rename them the same way, holding down the option key when you choose Rename (or Command-Option-M) will skip the Rename dialog and just do the rename immediately. This works with Copy, Rename, Save As, FTP As, Delete, etc.
When using the hover buttons (the buttons that appear over the top of photos in the contact sheet when you have the mouse over them) if you hold down the option key then the change is applied to all of the selected photos. For instance if you have 10 photos selected and you hold down option and then click on the Rotate CCW button, then all 10 photos will be rotated CCW. Same for the Tag box, and Color Class popup.

Shortcut Key (short circuiting)

Holding down the shortcut key when deleting skips the delete files confirmation dialog.

Holding down the shortcut key when clicking on a tag box will make all images in the selection have the same tag value as the photo whose tag was clicked on.

Holding down the shortcut key when clicking on a rotation hover button will rotate all images in the selection in the same direction.

Holding down the shortcut key when setting a color class on a photo via the contextual menu will set all selected images (if any) to the same color class.

Holding down the shortcut key when pasting an IPTC snapshot will skip the confirmation dialog when multiple items are selected.

Holding down the shortcut key when applying IPTC stationery via the contextual menu to multiple items will skip the confirmation dialog.

Holding down the shortcut key when double clicking on a thumbnail in the contact sheet will toggle the sense of your preferred double-click action (edit or preview are the two choices.)

Holding down the shortcut key when double-clicking a saved search in the Favorites will execute the search in a new Contact Sheet.

Holding down the shortcut key when double-clicking a folder in the Favorites or Navigator will add the folder as an additional folder in the current Contact Sheet.

Holding down the shortcut key in any dialog that has "Set {seqn} variable..." button will change the button to read "Reset {seqn} variable" and will instead reset the sequence variable when clicked.

Holding down the shortcut key when opening the FTP As... dialog will attempt to skip the dialog and send the files immediately.

Holding down the shortcut key when clicking on the Remove crop button in the Preview window will remove a constrained crop as well as the crop rectangle.

Holding down the shortcut key while zoomed into a preview will give you the "hand' cursor which can be used to click and drag the zoomed preview around.

Holding down the shortcut key while zoomed into a preview will allow the cursor keys to pan the preview around.  Adding the shift key (Mac OS X) or control key (Windows) will scroll faster.

Holding down the shortcut key and then moving the scroll wheel on your mouse will zoom in and out of the current preview.  Moving the scroll wheel without the shortcut key down will advance through the previews.

Holding down the shortcut key when starting an external edit will toggle the sense of your RAW/JPEG editing preference when in RAW+JPEG mode.

Holding down the shortcut key when using the copy command will attempt to skip the dialog and perform the last copy operation with the current selection of photos.

Holding down the shortcut key when using the rename command will attempt to skip the dialog and perform the last rename operation with the current selection of photos.

Holding down the shortcut key when using the save as command will attempt to skip the dialog and perform the last save as operation with the current selection of photos.

Holding down the shortcut key when using the Slide show command will attempt to skip the dialog and perform the last Slide show operation with the current selection of photos.

Holding down the shortcut key while inside the IPTC Info dialog will change the "Clear" button to "Options" which will bring up the Clear IPTC Fields dialog.  It will change the "Copy From Stationery" button to "Apply to Selected".  It will change the "OK" button to "Eval" which will replace all variables with their interpreted values which is useful to see how a given variables replacement will work.

Holding down the shortcut key while inside the IPTC Stationery Pad dialog will change the "Clear" button to "Options" which will bring up the Clear IPTC Fields dialog.

Offline royfel

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Re: shortcuts
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2006, 12:30:28 PM »
Thanks, my copy of vista will no longer allow me access to top row stuff (file, edit image view ect.), but shortcuts seem to work. Is there one to open preferences?
oh yea, add ctrl+B for Burn to your list

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: shortcuts
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2006, 06:42:15 AM »
Thanks, my copy of vista will no longer allow me access to top row stuff (file, edit image view ect.), but shortcuts seem to work. Is there one to open preferences?

No, not on the Windows version.  Can I ask you why you are running a beta OS to process your images?  I wouldn't recommend doing that.

Quote from: royfel
oh yea, add ctrl+B for Burn to your list

The list I posted were the keyboard shortcuts that cannot be found by looking through menus.  Otherwise, please refer to the menus themselves for their keyboard shortcuts (well at least on non-beta OSes.)
