Photo Mechanic > Support

Error message: "No document could be created"


Hello. I installed Photo Mechanic 4.2 on a PowerMac G5 running OS X 10.4.4. Now, whenever I launch Photo Mechanic, an error popup that says "No document could be created" appears. I click the OK button in the popup and Photo Mechanic appears to function normally.

However, even though the application works normally, I would like to know if there is any way to prevent this error message from popping up.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

Wait, I may have found a simple solution. I went to Photo Mechanic Preferences and checked Do Nothing in the On startup: section. This has eliminated the error so far.

If this is not the case, please offer another suggestion. If this is the solution, my original message was, uh, just a joke.

Kirk Baker:

--- Quote from: gocuse on May 04, 2006, 09:52:39 AM ---Wait, I may have found a simple solution. I went to Photo Mechanic Preferences and checked Do Nothing in the On startup: section. This has eliminated the error so far.

If this is not the case, please offer another suggestion. If this is the solution, my original message was, uh, just a joke.

--- End quote ---

There was an incompatibility with 4.3.6 and earlier with Mac OS 10.4.x that caused the message you described to occur.  It was fixed in version 4.3.7.  Your solution is the only solution that I know of to eliminate the message.

Version 4.2 is really quite old now.  You may want to consider upgrading since there are so many improvements since the 4.2.x series of Photo Mechanic.



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