Photo Mechanic > Support

Canon 1D Mk I Raw Previews

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Roger Mudd:
I know this was covered ad nauseum in the Galbraith forums, but...
Is there support for Raw preview of Canon 1D Mk I files yet? If not, will there ever be?
It's the one thing holding me back from moving to PM. I know the venerable 1D is a dated camera. But I imagine that quite a few people are still using it either as a primary, back-up or remote body.
Bridge can generate previews and that is what I'm using at the moment. Is there a technical snag that makes this impossible with PM? If so, what is Bridge doing differently that allows the viewing of hi-res Raw previews?
I am aware that you can work around this by shooting Raw+Jpeg. But I personally think that solution is a waste of valuable storage.
Not trying to bash the product. Just looking for an answer.
Thanks in advance.

Kirk Baker:

--- Quote from: Roger Mudd on May 05, 2006, 10:17:53 AM ---I know this was covered ad nauseum in the Galbraith forums, but...
Is there support for Raw preview of Canon 1D Mk I files yet? If not, will there ever be?
--- End quote ---

You didn't mention your platform, but if you have Mac OS X 10.4.6 and Photo Mechanic 4.4.3 (in beta currently) then you can view 1D and 1Ds RAW TIF files in all their glory.



Roger Mudd:

--- Quote ---You didn't mention your platform...
--- End quote ---

Dang... Windows :P
Are there plans to roll out similar features on the Windows side?
P.S. - Thanks for the ridiculously quick response.

Kirk Baker:

--- Quote from: Roger Mudd on May 05, 2006, 10:39:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: kbaker ---You didn't mention your platform...
--- End quote ---

Dang... Windows :P
Are there plans to roll out similar features on the Windows side?
P.S. - Thanks for the ridiculously quick response.
--- End quote ---

We've heard that Windows Vista will have RAW support which we can use, but also at least for Canon and Nikon there are some useable manufacturer supplied SDKs which we could use...


Roger Mudd:
I'd love to see Windows support for this feature. You mention that Vista may provide you with the framework to implement this, however, I just read that delivery of Vista may be delayed even further (2Q 2007).

Would proper protocol here dictate that I submit a "Feature Request" in the appropriate forum? Also, am I the only one clamoring for this? Are others here still using the original 1D and would they like to see this feature implemented via Canon's SDK?
Thanks for your help Kirk!


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