Author Topic: OPEN PM5 selection save extention  (Read 1457 times)

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OPEN PM5 selection save extention
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:33:10 PM »
When I save selection of edited JPGs and I would like to load that selection to their original RAWs I need to edit the selection file manually replacing extentions from JPG to RAW or vica versa.
1. It would be great to have an option of "Ignore extention" in the load selection dialog for such cases. Only as option as in some cases making strict difference can be vital but in some cases it is an obstacle.
2. When saving the selection file I usually use the same temporary file x.txt in the root. But when I click x.txt only x appears in the file name box and I have to manually enter the extention (which helps to make it easier to open in text editor to perform manual editing mentioned in previous paragraph).
It would be great if clicking on a file in the Save selection dialog that has extention then the full name would appear in the filename box. Other programs usually have a Hide extention checkbox in the bottom left corner causing PM behavior and unchecking it causes what I miss here.

I hope it is inderstandible and implementable too.
Working on Mac, OSX, iOS and with some Canons.
Allways shooting RAW.