Author Topic: KB shortcut to switch between contact sheets (& context menu key functionality)  (Read 7498 times)

Offline ba1212

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As discussed in another thread, it would be great if it was possible to cycle between open contact sheets with the keyboard (say Ctrl-Tab to move forward, and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to move backwards).

On a similar note (navigating purely with the keyboard), is it possible to change the way the Windows context menu key works in the Favourites pane to mimic how it works in the Navigator pane? At the moment, the mouse pointer has to be hovering over the folder in the Favourites pane, but in the Navigator pane this works regardless of where the pointer is (which seems to make more sense).


Offline ajmast

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I am going to second this request for  tab switching keyboard short cuts, and while we are on tabs;

When you close a tab, I think it should go to the next open tab, but it goes to the last open tab instead.

As it is now if I have tabs 1-4 open and close 1, 4 becomes the active tab in stead of 2.

Thanks as always for listening.

Offline Kirk Baker

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As discussed in another thread, it would be great if it was possible to cycle between open contact sheets with the keyboard (say Ctrl-Tab to move forward, and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to move backwards).

I'll be returning the Window menu to listing the open contact sheets and will provide the standard Windows... dialog that allows you to manage the list of open contact sheet tabs.

On a similar note (navigating purely with the keyboard), is it possible to change the way the Windows context menu key works in the Favourites pane to mimic how it works in the Navigator pane? At the moment, the mouse pointer has to be hovering over the folder in the Favourites pane, but in the Navigator pane this works regardless of where the pointer is (which seems to make more sense).

I'm not sure I follow.  I tried right-clicking to the left and right of an item in the Favorites and it opens up the contextual menu just fine.  Perhaps you can explain more (or even better post a screen shot that illustrates where you click and the behavior is different in the Favorites vs. the Navigator) ?


Offline Kirk Baker

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When you close a tab, I think it should go to the next open tab, but it goes to the last open tab instead.

As it is now if I have tabs 1-4 open and close 1, 4 becomes the active tab in stead of 2.

The MFC framework chooses the tab that is activated when a tab is closed.  PM doesn't have any control over it.


Offline ba1212

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Hi Kirk

I'll try to explain. Presumably this only applies to Windows, not Mac.

I am talking about using the context menu key (which exists on most Windows keyboards), not the right mouse button. I'm sure you know what I mean but if not, just Google 'context menu key'.

Pressing this key should normally bring up the relevant right-click menu for whatever item is currently selected by the keyboard, regardless of where the mouse cursor is on screen. This works as expected for the Navigator pane which means I can navigate purely by the keyboard, 'right-click' and bring up a menu to allow me to open a contact sheet.

When I try doing the same thing in the Favourites pane, it doesn't work. PM will only bring up the right-click menu if I hover the mouse cursor over the item I have already selected with the keyboard. Otherwise, nothing happens.

If this discrepancy was addressed, it would mean more ability to navigate purely by the keyboard in opening, closing and swithcing contact sheets. That would leave one final shortcut which, if existed, would save me reaching for the mouse in almost all situations: switching between panes (i.e. Navigator, Favourites, Tasks and Contact Sheets). Considering you are not planning to use ctrl-tab for contact sheet switching, perhaps it could be assigned to that function instead.

It may seem minor but keyboard navigation helps to speed up the workflow and is used extensively in many Windows programs. It would also help when trying to wire quickly with a cheap laptop balancing on your knees!

I hope that makes sense, and thanks for looking at this.