Author Topic: Photo Mechanic: Version 5 Build 18980  (Read 7472 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic: Version 5 Build 18980
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:49:15 PM »
Hello Everyone,

We have a new updated build that solves a few issues present in the 18895 build, mostly related to issues with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).  Please see below for release notes.



Version 5.0 Build 18980

   • Fixed a problem that would keep certain variables with substring extraction from being saved in repeating fields such as the Keywords field.

   • Pressing the ‘End’ key no longer causes the Contact Sheet display to draw incorrectly when no scrolling can occur.
   • Ingesting in-camera locked images to an APFS-formatted volume no longer fails.
   • Browsing an APFS-formatted volume with file/folder aliases no longer shows them as proxy items.
   • Text clipping that would occur in the vertically scrolling multi-line text fields of the IPTC dialogs has been fixed.
   • Sorting of snapshots when user’s home directory is on an APFS-formatted volume is now correct.
   • Fixed a problem with uploader templates that would cause PM to exit when uploading/closing/cancelling the Upload dialog.

(no Windows specific changes)