Author Topic: Error message in PM v4.5.2 when trying to send photos to Mail 3.0 in Leopard  (Read 3254 times)

Offline CineD

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Any help would be very much appreciated.
This is the message generated by PM when I try to send mail:
There was an error while creating the email via AppleScript.
Please make sure your email application is configured properly.
The Console.log has details of the error.

This is the Console Log details:

12/2/07 11:16:14 PM Photo Mechanic[2907] AppleScript executeAndReturnError:{
    NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -2709;

12/2/07 11:16:14 PM Photo Mechanic[2907] AppleScript script was:tell application "Mail"
 set subjectVar to «data utf8546573742050696374757265» as Unicode text
 set bodyVar to «data utf8486F706520796F75206C696B652074686973205069632E» as Unicode text
 set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:subjectVar, content:bodyVar}
 tell newMessage
  make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:"_ _ _ _ _"}
  tell content
   set filenameVar1 to «data utf82F55736572732F646A726F6C6C65722F4C6962726172792F4361636865732F50686F746F204D6563» as Unicode text
   set filenameVar2 to «data utf868616E69632F63616368652F6174746163686D656E74732F373831303339312F47616E657420322E» as Unicode text
   set filenameVar3 to «data utf86A7067» as Unicode text
   set filenameVar to filenameVar1 & filenameVar2 & filenameVar3
   make new attachment with properties {file name:filenameVar} at after the last paragraph
   set filenameVar1 to «data utf82F55736572732F646A726F6C6C65722F4C6962726172792F4361636865732F50686F746F204D6563» as Unicode text
   set filenameVar2 to «data utf868616E69632F63616368652F6174746163686D656E74732F373831303339312F494D475F38363530» as Unicode text
   set filenameVar3 to «data utf82E6A7067» as Unicode text
   set filenameVar to filenameVar1 & filenameVar2 & filenameVar3
   make new attachment with properties {file name:filenameVar} at after the last paragraph
  end tell
  set visible to true
 end tell
end tell

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Kirk Baker

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Any help would be very much appreciated.
This is the message generated by PM when I try to send mail:
There was an error while creating the email via AppleScript.
Please make sure your email application is configured properly.
The Console.log has details of the error.

Please try the 4.5.3 beta available in the Announcements section of the forums.  If the problem persists, then please let me know.


Offline Kirk Baker

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    NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -2709;

I looked up this error number.  The explanation is: "Can't get the event dictionary."

Which sounds like the Mail application on your system may have a damaged AppleScript dictionary.


Offline CineD

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I tried 4.5.3 no change to error. 

I guess I'll take a look on Apple Mail discusions on how to repair a damaged AppleScipt dictionary.
