Author Topic: Paralyzed by Analysis of Web Site and Gallery Options  (Read 9024 times)

Offline Keith

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Paralyzed by Analysis of Web Site and Gallery Options
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:02:10 PM »
To the group,

I am trying to figure out which way to proceed to create a Web Site along the lines of this one:   (Minus the initial landing page.) This is a site I visited based on another member of this forum's recommendation in a past posting.

The obvious options seem to be:

a) purchase Dreamweaver (or possibly use a still-functional copy of GoLive 8) and dive in,
b) hire a pro to do it, or
c) purchase a template from a company like

I seem to recall past PM discussions in which it was suggested that such a site could be also be made using the html template exporter but my html skills are limited. (If anyone would be willing to post a link to a site you have created using PM's html Template Exporter, I'd love to see a sample.)

When faced with this decision, how have some of you PM users approached this. Obviously, a pretty broad question but any cautions, words of wisdom or suggestions regarding other possible options would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
