Author Topic: lightroom PC  (Read 20261 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: lightroom PC
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2006, 12:36:45 PM »

yes, In fact if I drag the folder C:\Users\Roy\Pictures\14Jul 06 into PM it shows both Nef and .jpgs, if I double click the same folder in navagator it will not show the jpegs
Tried both checking and unchecking jpeg+raw.
I give up, I'll just drag my folder in to PM, seems to work fine that way.
If it's any consolation the same behavior is happening in Bibble but, strangely enough, not Nikon NX.

If Bibble does it too, then it is likely that what you think is the same folder in the Navigator is not quite the same folder in Windows Explorer.  Meaning that I think you have two folders on your system that both are called "14Jul 06", and one of them has NEFs and JPEGs and the other has just NEFs in it.  Do a Search in Windows Explorer for one of the NEF files.  I think you'll find that the NEF file exists in two separate paths.  When you open up one of the paths you'll find just NEFs.  When you open up the other one, you'll find NRFs and JPEGs.

I'd be happy to troubleshoot this over the phone.  I just want to rule out that this isn't some sort of weird bug in the Navigator.  If it is a bug then I want to fix it.

Contact me privately by clicking on my name to the left of this message and give me your phone number and a best time to call.



Offline royfel

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Re: lightroom PC
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2006, 06:45:28 AM »
All is well, this last one hit home, got onfused between image location and library location.
Caution to others: it seems to strip out meta-data pretty well, use PM last.
Thanks Kirk for hangin' in there with me.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: lightroom PC
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2006, 06:51:47 AM »

All is well, this last one hit home, got onfused between image location and library location.
Caution to others: it seems to strip out meta-data pretty well, use PM last.
Thanks Kirk for hangin' in there with me.

You're welcome.  I just wanted to make sure there wasn't a problem in the Navigator.

