something is not clear to me, due language limitations...
If Im using JPG, not raw:
1- I open up the file in PS, adjust levels.
2- come back to PM, the shortcut is still the old one (before levels), but the actual file is adjusted, without the need of export as jpeg, correct?
If Im using RAW:
1- I should export to DNG, before everything
2- Open ACR, make adjustments, and press DONE (without open the file in PS - just the raw adjustments - is it CORRECT?)
3- come back to PM, now I should see the updated preview in PM, correct?
Please tell me if I understood anything wrong.
I use PM to tag all my pics. Sometimes the exposure or WB are not right, so I open it in ACR and adjust it. But PM keeps the old preview (with WB and exposure not adjusted).
My questions are:
Is it only the preview that is not correct?
If I export to JPEG (from PM) will I get this JPEG corrected? I made some tests and I believe its not possible... correct me if Im wrong,please.
No, you can't see the adjusted image because Adobe doesn't update the embedded JPEG preview with the adjusted image. And they don't share their rendering technology with anyone so Photo Mechanic cannot provide an image that looks like it does in Adobe's software.
I would like to use PM an ACR to make few corrections and JPEG export, instead of LR... I use LR just for correcting purposes.
If you use DNG as your format, Adobe does update the embedded JPEG preview in DNG files. PM can see the updated previews in DNG files and you can do all operations (Save as, Export, Print, Upload, etc.) from a DNG file.