Author Topic: .xip files with fuji x series raw images  (Read 6487 times)

Offline tomoc

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.xip files with fuji x series raw images
« on: April 02, 2013, 09:36:25 PM »

I don't know for sure when this started...I think it was just after one of these latest updates. Then again, I'm not 100% sure at this time that it is a PM issue.

All of my fuji files have an .xip file with them in photoshop bridge. I thought from a little google research that this was a PM addon so I played with the files for a bit. The only thing I do with PM is add keywords.  If I delete all the .xip files, the keywords remain, so it may not be PM.

I also use media pro for my archiving and in that app, the xip files do not show up. But in Bridge I have a real MESS to look at...

If this is from PM, is there some way to make all of them hidden files? Or to not make them (seems I don't need them). Would rolling back to an earlier version of PM help? Given that all I want is the keyword features??


Tom O'Connell
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Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 09:43:04 PM »

I don't know for sure when this started...I think it was just after one of these latest updates. Then again, I'm not 100% sure at this time that it is a PM issue.

All of my fuji files have an .xip file with them in photoshop bridge. I thought from a little google research that this was a PM addon so I played with the files for a bit. The only thing I do with PM is add keywords.  If I delete all the .xip files, the keywords remain, so it may not be PM.

I also use media pro for my archiving and in that app, the xip files do not show up. But in Bridge I have a real MESS to look at...

If this is from PM, is there some way to make all of them hidden files? Or to not make them (seems I don't need them). Would rolling back to an earlier version of PM help? Given that all I want is the keyword features??

PM does create those files for some file formats.  What version of PM are you using and what OS are you running PM on?


Offline tomoc

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 10:13:43 PM »
Hi Kirk -

If every company replied so promptly as you, the world would be such a great place !!!

I'm using hoto Mechanic Version 5.0, build 13895 (de040ad) and os x 10.8.3 and Photoshop CS6 (updated).

The fuji files are raw for x100, xp1 and xe1.


Tom O'Connell
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Offline dennis

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 04:58:51 PM »

The XIP sidecar files were used in PM 4 to store tag/rating/color-class for formats that PM would not modify.  This included movie files (MOV, AVI, MPG4, etc) as well as the Fuji RAW files (RAF).  Now that we put all of our metadata into the XMP sidecar there is no need for the XIP sidecar files.

So I am updating PM to remove the XIP sidecar files when PM updates one of these files that has an old XIP file.  This will cleanup your proliferation of XIP sidecar files for your Fuji camera.  But you will need to "touch" the files to have the XIP sidecar file removed (e.g. make some metadata change).

However, if you plan on going backwards to PM 4.6 then you will lose any preference metadata (tag/rating/color-class and old non-rotatable crop) when the XIP sidecar file is removed.

We are looking at adding a preference to PM to NOT remove the XIP sidecar files to maintain backwards compatibility to PM 4.6.  But if you just move forward with PM 5 then you should be fine.

We'll try to roll this out ASAP after some testing.



Offline tomoc

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 05:22:14 PM »

That is just fantastic. What great service!

Will this just be part of the next update? And, in the meantime, i can just delete all the .xip's on my hard drive?

Thanks again,

Tom O'Connell
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Offline dennis

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2013, 06:24:08 PM »

We should have this change in a future version (say next week?) after it has been fully tested.

Meanwhile, yeah you can remove the XIP sidecar files as long as there is an associated XMP sidecar.  Once the XMP sidecar is created then the XIP file is not needed.  Essentially PM reads the old XIP file if there is no XMP in order to "move forward" from older versions (i.e. maintain the tag/rating etc).  If you remove the XIP sidecar without PM having a chance to move these settings into an XMP sidecar then the settings (from PM 4) will be lost (of course).  So, if you've only been using PM 5 then just remove these XIP sidecar files that PM 5 created.  Otherwise (say browsing old folders from PM 4.6), remove them as you wish but be aware that you may lose the PM preferences if there is no XMP.  PM won't automatically create XMP (nor will it automatically delete any XIP), you need to make an "edit" (e.g. tag/untag) a photo/movie in order to have the XMP sidecar created.  I believe you should be able to "Update IPTC/XMP" from the tools menu in order to "touch" these files but this has not been tested yet.



Offline tomoc

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2013, 07:35:01 PM »
That's really great - thanks so much

Tom O'Connell
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Offline tomoc

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Re: .xip files with fuji x series raw images
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2013, 10:00:30 PM »
 :) :D


Just back from a week's shooting and fired up PM - delighted to see update and CASE CLOSED - worked just the way I hoped.

You guys are really great

Tom O'Connell
Cloudview Images