Yes, I've never had the problem using the laptop on my home wifi, but I don't FTP from my laptop at home so no depth of experience to compare, in fairness.
The phone works as a wifi hotspot and the computer connects to that wifi connection as it would any other wifi connection. The problem is uniquely with the FTP dialogue in PM. So if I open up Firefox or any other application which requires an Internet connection, this works perfectly in every way I use it. However, even after use for a period in this way, opening the FTP dialogue in PM will still take many minutes on first use.
I've tried inputting the IP address for Photoshelter directly in place of and will see how that goes for a bit. I don't know if the dialogue reads the last used connection that it'll default to when opened, as part of the process of initialising DNS services - if it does then it might work as a solution, but if it doesn't then I guess it'll make no difference.
Kirk, can you be any more specific about the tasks that run when the FTP dialogue first opens?