Author Topic: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems  (Read 7161 times)

Offline pacomarin

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Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:43:57 AM »
Hi Kirk,

I have a Macbook Pro Retina with OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and I am experimenting a lot of problems with trial version of PM I have installed from your website.

First time, PM opened but I lost all my tagged photos when I closed it and re-opened it. Now, PM doesn't open on my Mac. I work with Macbook Pro and Eizo attached by HDMI.

PM is very important for my workflow so any advise is more than welcome.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2015, 10:56:59 AM »

I have a Macbook Pro Retina with OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and I am experimenting a lot of problems with trial version of PM I have installed from your website.

First time, PM opened but I lost all my tagged photos when I closed it and re-opened it. Now, PM doesn't open on my Mac. I work with Macbook Pro and Eizo attached by HDMI.

PM is very important for my workflow so any advise is more than welcome.

If you were editing on your card, PM5 by default does not write to camera cards.  You can enable writing to camera disks by going to the Files section of the Preferences dialog and setting the "Allow modification of files on Camera Disks ( not recommended ! )" checkbox to checked.

As for PM5 not opening on your Mac, do you get some sort of error message that may help me determine what is going wrong?  Without any hints, there is nothing I can use to find a solution for you on my end.


Offline pacomarin

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2015, 11:08:34 AM »
Hi Kirk,

Thanks for your advice.

When I open PM, nothing happens. As you can see in the screenshot attached, just changed the toolbar on top and nothing else.

Any suggestions?


[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline pacomarin

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2015, 11:11:19 AM »
Sorry Kirk! PM ask me if I want register, buy or conitnue, which is my option. After that, nothing happens.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2015, 11:17:37 AM »
Sorry Kirk! PM ask me if I want register, buy or conitnue, which is my option. After that, nothing happens.

Are the menu items on all of the menus disabled?  Can you open a new Contact Sheet window?


Offline pacomarin

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2015, 11:26:42 AM »
Kirk, I can open a new contact sheet window but the problem continues. When I closed PM (red button in Mac), I can´t re-open it. Sorry Kirk. I don`t know what you mean with all the menus disabled. I am a nwe mac user. Thanks again Kirk!

Offline pacomarin

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2015, 11:41:59 AM »
Kirk, I have changed preferences according with your instructions (Allow modification of files in camera disk) but PM doesn't keep my tags. I open recent and the photos appeared but without tags. I don't use PM for editing. Only for selecting raws I want to process using LR.

Many unexpected problems.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2015, 11:51:16 AM »
Kirk, I can open a new contact sheet window but the problem continues. When I closed PM (red button in Mac), I can´t re-open it. Sorry Kirk. I don`t know what you mean with all the menus disabled. I am a nwe mac user. Thanks again Kirk!

"I can't re-open it."  What is 'it'?  Photo Mechanic?  Another Contact Sheet window?

In the "General" section of the Preferences dialog in PM, make sure you have the "On startup:" section set to "Open empty contact sheet" or any of the other choices besides "Do nothing".
In the "Contact Sheet" section of the Preferences dialog in PM, make sure you have the "Close contact sheet window when last tab is closed" unchecked, and set the "Create new Untitled window when resumed without any Contact Sheet window" checkbox to checked.

Were you a long time user of PM on Windows?  I think what is happening is that on startup you have PM set to do nothing and when you close a window (you should generally close tabs and not windows) you see no window at all and think that PM is broken.  While there is no preference to immediately create a new window when the last one is closed (that would be maddening for most users!), the above changes to your preferences mean that you generally should see a Contact Sheet window when you startup PM, or when you switch back to it from another application.  Closing the tabs instead of the main Contact Sheet window should eliminate the last bit of confusion you're having.

Mac applications do not have a "frame window" like Windows apps.  Mac applications have a main menu bar and document windows.  Some Mac applications startup with a blank window, an open file dialog, or with no window at all and your cue is to look at the menu bar and begin by choosing commands from the menu bar.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2015, 11:52:34 AM »
Kirk, I have changed preferences according with your instructions (Allow modification of files in camera disk) but PM doesn't keep my tags. I open recent and the photos appeared but without tags. I don't use PM for editing. Only for selecting raws I want to process using LR.

Where are your files located?  What kind of files are you working with?  In what program(s) are your tags not appearing?


P.S. I split your posts into a new topic since it seems to me that your issues are not related to the original thread you posted in.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 11:54:13 AM by Kirk Baker »

Offline pacomarin

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Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2015, 12:33:44 PM »
Thanks again for your help Kirk.

I think first problem is solved. I can open new contact sheets without problems in my Mac. As you can see, I still have some problems with this new OS.

But the second problem continues. I open a contact sheet in PM. Tag some photos. Quit PM. When I re-open the same contact sheet, all my tags have dissapeared.

All my files are in a external hard drive Western Digital 2TB. I have tried to repair it using utility disk but I cannot click in verify or repair.

Thanks again!

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2015, 01:44:40 PM »

I think first problem is solved. I can open new contact sheets without problems in my Mac. As you can see, I still have some problems with this new OS.

But the second problem continues. I open a contact sheet in PM. Tag some photos. Quit PM. When I re-open the same contact sheet, all my tags have dissapeared.

All my files are in a external hard drive Western Digital 2TB. I have tried to repair it using utility disk but I cannot click in verify or repair.

What is the format of the external drive?

What kind of images are you working with?  RAW?  If so, what RAW format?  JPEG?  TIFF?  Something else?

The more information you can provide me, the better I will be able to help you.  The forums are great for sharing information, but not so great for solving problems because of the delay between our posts and reading them.  I'm sure if you were to call our support folks, they would be able to get to the bottom of your issue right away while on the phone with you.  Phone support is free.

Call them at +1 (503) 547-2888


Offline pacomarin

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Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2015, 08:49:50 AM »
Thanks Kirk. I have contacted CB support and now the problem is solved. My external hard drives WD are NTSC format so "only read" for Mac. However, I have installed a small software and now I can read and write on my external hard drives perfectly.

I have tested now my workflow in PM and everithing is OK. Just apparently :)

Thanks for your help Kirk.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Photo Mechanic Problems
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2015, 09:53:50 AM »
Unless you absolutely need those drives formatted in NTFS, I suggest reformatting them (once you have them backed up) as HFS+ (Mac native format).  Unless that software add-on you installed is 100% perfect, you may encounter problems with your drives.
