Author Topic: Combining PM and Apple Aperture (latest versions)  (Read 4693 times)

Offline ST Photo

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Combining PM and Apple Aperture (latest versions)
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:27:25 PM »

Currently I'm using Photo Mechanic and Apple Aperture.
The only thing why I'm using Aperture is to do some quick edits (sharpening, contrast, vibrancy, cropping, ...).

My current workflow:
1. Importing/tagging/selecting images in PM
2. Adding metadata to the selected images in PM
3. Opening/importing the images in Aperture to do some quick edits
4. Exporting the images from Aperture and opening them back in PM
5. Transferring the images with the FTP-uploader in PM

The problem is that I lose so much time in step 4 and 5 because I can't synchronise the edits from Aperture in PM.
I use the "command E" tool to quickly importing the pictures in Aperture but I still costs me lot of time when I need to export them and reopen them afterwards.

Are there any possibilities to synchronize the edits? (so that I don't need to export them in Aperture to reopen them in PM every time. But that when I do an edit in Aperture the image that is opened in PM changes)

Thanks in advance,

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Combining PM and Apple Aperture (latest versions)
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2016, 05:07:37 PM »

Currently I'm using Photo Mechanic and Apple Aperture.
The only thing why I'm using Aperture is to do some quick edits (sharpening, contrast, vibrancy, cropping, ...).

My current workflow:
1. Importing/tagging/selecting images in PM
2. Adding metadata to the selected images in PM
3. Opening/importing the images in Aperture to do some quick edits
4. Exporting the images from Aperture and opening them back in PM
5. Transferring the images with the FTP-uploader in PM

The problem is that I lose so much time in step 4 and 5 because I can't synchronise the edits from Aperture in PM.
I use the "command E" tool to quickly importing the pictures in Aperture but I still costs me lot of time when I need to export them and reopen them afterwards.

Are there any possibilities to synchronize the edits? (so that I don't need to export them in Aperture to reopen them in PM every time. But that when I do an edit in Aperture the image that is opened in PM changes)

If you keep the files where they are (don't pull them into a Vault) and reference them directly and make your edits and then produce JPEGs with the same base name in the same folder as the original RAW file, when you return to PM, PM will see the new JPEGs, and pair them with your RAW files.  The JPEGs will reflect your edits.

Other than the time to generate the JPEGs, it should be speedy.


Offline ST Photo

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Re: Combining PM and Apple Aperture (latest versions)
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2016, 05:09:27 PM »
Hi Kirk,

Thanks for the answer!
Is it also possible if you only work with JPEG's?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Combining PM and Apple Aperture (latest versions)
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2016, 10:57:33 AM »
Is it also possible if you only work with JPEG's?

You would need to force Aperture to update your JPEGs with your edits if it doesn't do this automatically.
