I am using code replacements to wrrite captions and complete other fields, like keywords or persons shown, with identical information.
It would be a great idea if I could define additional code replacement delimiter characters that would have as additional action to add the relaced information to other fields. For example, I would define $ as the code replacement delimiter for persons shown. Then, when entering $21$ in the caption it would replace $21$ in the cation with the actual information AND add the same information to the person shown field. Similarly I would define # as the code replacement delimiter for kewyowrds, Then when entering #S# in the caption it would replace #S# by, for example Switzerland in the caption and add Switzerland as an additional keyword.
This would mean that typing '$21$ of #S#' would replace to 'Peter Pan of Switzerland' in the caption and add 'Peter Pan' to the person shown field and add 'Switzerland' to the keywords field.
If the additional code replacement delimiters are used in other fields, they could behave like the defautl code replacement delimiter.
I could image such additional delimiters for the following fields:
\ -> default delimiter
$ -> add also to 'persons shown'
# -> add also to 'keywords'
* -> add also to 'city'