I'm running NX2 on vista and trying to get labels and ratings to work between the programs. Almost all the time the ratings work, but i can not get labels put in one program to show up in the other. I tried the setting in the manual and ones that were in a message posted here a few days back but I have not been able to get labels to work. Also any insight into why ratings put in PM don't always show in NX2 would be appreciated.
I suggest you try the PM beta and enable the new "Synchronize Color Class with IPTC/XMP Urgency" feature on the General tab of the Preferences dialog. Also, be sure to check out the new built-in help for information on how to setup the IPTC/XMP tab to be most compatible with Capture NX2.
There is still one issue that is a bug in Capture NX2 where it doesn't write out the correct Label name when saving a NEF file. It always appears to work fine if you only "Apply" the label changes. Nik Multimedia has been informed of the problem and hopefully they'll have a fix for this issue soon.
You can get the latest beta from the Announcements section of the forums.