I just loaded 4.5III and have some questions:
1. Color Class/Star-Rating
Based on the new preference panel I should be able to select whether 'Ctrl'+'Number' changes color class or star rating. It seems that no matter what I select in preferences, it always changes color class.
Actually, if I select a picture and hit any 'number' on the key-pad (without pressing 'Ctrl' or 'Alt') it changes the color class.
On the other hand, changing star-rating using a short-cut ('Ctrl'+'number' or 'Alt'+'number' or 'number' only) it doesn't work. The only way I can change rating is using the drop down menu or clicking the desired star in the preview panel of the picture.
2. Multi folder search function
I was under the impression that I can search based on picture criterias (like rating, color class, rating, keywords etc.) across multiple folders, or more preceise, select one folder and automatically search trough the subfolders underneath. Either this function is still missing or I just can't access it/don't know how it works (I hope the later).
By the way, I run XP SP2.