Photo Mechanic 6.0 Build 3558 (afa5073)
Sony A6500, iPhone 6s, Asus Zenfone 5
When ingesting video file, I want to put the file in a folder with folder name indicating the date when the video was captured. Unlike still photo e.g. jpg, there is no embedded metadata in the video file indicating this information. Under this situation, I found PM 6 uses the file creation date for the purpose. It is not a usable choice because the file creation date is always changed to the latest date when copying is performed. The file modification date is a more usable choice because video file is rarely modified and hence the date remains unchanged after copying. I found the problem was reported in in year 2014. Now in year 2019, may I know is there any solution implied since then for this common use case? The most easy solution is during ingestion, to let user filter files by file type e.g. jpg, tiff, arw, mp4, mts etc. Then, user can create a separate ingestion snapshot specific for video file types or other still photo file types which has no embedded metadata of capture date. The separate ingestion snapshot can use the file modification date variable to specify the folder name structure.