I may be a bit confused, but here is what I am seeing when I look at the Catalog Filter:
1. Clear the filter and start afresh
2. Click on Filter and then on rating
3. Look at list of IPTC tags that are indexed (do I understand correctly that all of the IPTC variables in this list are indexed?)
4. There is a significant mismatch between the way the list is presented here and the way it is presented in the IPTC Template. I will use only the variables for ArtWork or Objects as an example;
In the template, the Artwork or Objects table contains: Title; Creators; Creator IDs; Date Created; Circa Date Created; Style Periods
This is very logical to me.
in the Filter List, the Artwork or Objects filters are: Copyright; copyright owner; copyright owner id; Creator; Creator ID; Licensor ID; Licensor Name; Source; and Style Period.
Of course there are other examples of these differences throughout the entire list.
Unless I am missing something very simple, it would seem to me that it would be very helpful if the two listings were consistent. For example, if I want to find an art object by title, I have to look all over the Filter list to find the title--it is not with the artwork, as it is in the Template.
Personally, I pretty much like the template organization and have learned, over time, where most everything is. I am struggling to find tags in the new list based on how I entered my information from the template.
Can you make the Filter (and thus the Browse) lists more consistent with the IPTC template? Or is there a technical reason why this cannot be done?
Bob Hendricks