PM 4.5 on a Win XP SP2 MCE system...
Case 1:
In Preferences|General set "Single key shortcut for Color Class/5-Star Rating" to "0-5 sets Rating".
In a contact sheet:
Keys 0 through 5 set rating
Keys Alt-0 through Alt-5 set rating
Keys Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-8 set color class
In a preview:
Keys 0 through 5 set rating
Keys Alt-0 through Alt-5 do nothing
Keys Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-5 set rating
There is no way in a preview window to set color class using a shortcut key.
Actually, in the Preview window it doesn't matter what qualifier keys you hold down, in this case 0-5 sets the rating. You could hold down Alt and Ctrl and Shift and 0-5 would still set the rating.
Case 2:
In Preferences|General set "Single key shortcut for Color Class/5-Star Rating" to "0-8 sets Color Class".
In a contact sheet:
Keys 0 through 8 set color class
Keys Alt-0 through Alt-5 set rating
Keys Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-8 set color class
In a preview:
Keys 0 through 8 set Color Class
Keys Alt-0 through Alt-5 do nothing
Keys Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-8 set Color Class
There is no way in a preview window to set rating using a shortcut key.
Same here. It doesn't matter what qualifier keys you hold down, you'll still set the color class with 0-8.
One possible solution to provide consistency and fix the missing shortcut keys in a preview window:
- the preferences setting should only affect the numeric keys
- Alt-0 through Alt-5 should always set star ratings in both contact sheet and preview
- Ctrl-0 through Ctrl-8 should always set color class in both contact sheet and preview
That I agree on. I'll update the code to do exactly that.
Thanks for the feedback,