I would not mind but your captacha verification does not accept my contribution:
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PMPlus: Static previews for edited images databaseI really like that you work and make progress on PMPlus - I have already purchased it it even when I am not being able to use it the way it works right now..
I was looking for a replacement of my MediaPro database of edited images. These images vary between 500 MB and at least 2 GB (PSD and TIFFs). If I scan these images into a PM Plus catalog. They take a very long time to be ingested, which is normal. However I expect to be able to use them afterwards without further delay. However, as I have learned, they will be read again and again every time the catalog is opened and the cache is cleaned (?). Only images which are not accessible should be replaced/visible by a static preview.
My feature request is now that you provide the option for creating static previews of 1440–2560 pixels wide (optional) to be stored within/aside the catalog for online and offline images. The users should be able to choose between static and dynamic "previews". Thanks for bringing this to life as soon as possible!