Author Topic: Can't open image from PMPlus into Lightroom if its already in the catalogue  (Read 2358 times)

Offline Colin Robinson

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Ive recently updated to PM6Plus. Im trying to tidy up my archive , keywording, culling etc, and then importing to the PM catalogue, which is working well and quickly re searching for images contain a certain keyword. When I search for a key word and find a number of images, and try to open one into Lightroom classic as I have done for years, the LR import dialogue shows up with all the images in the folder greyed out if they are already in the Lightroom catalogue. I can find no way to get the image open in lightroom, via PM+
I have searched this forum and find that it is suggested to drag and drop the image from PM unto the Lr icon on the dock. This triggers exactly the same behaviour as trying to open it from within PM+. It appears not to matter if the image is on a NAS or fast ssd working drive.
If Photoshop is the chosen editor, rather than LR, it seems to work as I seem to remember PM working before my update to PM+. The new file opens in camera raw.
Is this a bug in PM+ or LR Classic or have I set something up wrongly? There is no benefit to me in using the very fast PM6 catalogue, if when I search and find a number of images I wish to open in Lightroom if I have to write down the titles, open LR and search thorough the catalogue there to refind and open them.
Can someone please tell me if I'm missing something here?

Im on MacOs, not yet updated to Big Sur, running Version 14.0 (15610., 15610) and creative cloud full subscription so running LR Classic v10.1 and Camera raw v 13.1
Thanks for any assistance.

Colin Robinson
« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 11:04:16 AM by Colin Robinson »

Offline Mick O (Camera Bits)

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Hi Colin,

Are you able open the item in Lightroom Classic if you had located that item in the Finder?

I am not positive, but the ability to get to edit for a file that was already in a Lightroom Classic catalog has never been possible for me. Nothing is different between Photo Mechanic 6 and Photo Mechanic Plus in this respect. 

The fastest workaround I do for files already in a LrC catalog is this: Double-click on the filename in PM, cmd-c copy.  Open LrC, paste into the text filter.  Here is a quick screencap of going from PM to LrC (below)

If there is a way to open an image in LrC from Finder if it is already in the LrC catalog then it would also be possible in PM, but I haven't found it. It is not something I have ever known LrC to be able to do. (But I am not a LrC expert)

I have heard others that want to use LrC as a standalone editor will periodically delete their catalogs to get around this.  But most people that I talk to, when freed from the LrC catalog end up switching to Photoshop/Camera Raw.


Mick O
Camera Bits