I’m a longtime PM user and am on a Plus trial now.
I’m working on two Macbooks and a number of external harddrives.
I want to do the following: on Mac_1 create and save catalogs on the same harddrive where the images are, and I want be able to access the catalogs on Mac_2 when the harddrive is plugged in there.
So far I have succeeded to create catalogs on Mac_1 but don’t know how to access them on Mac_2 and vice versa. I can see the catalogs in Finder on the external harddrive.
On Mac_2, plug in the external hard drive. Once it is mounted and shows up in the Finder, use the
Catalog->Manage Catalogs... command in Photo Mechanic Plus. Look for the "
Locate Existing Catalog..." button down towards the bottom of the window. Choose the catalog folder on the external hard drive. Then when the catalog shows up in the list of Local Catalogs, click on the triangle to the left of its name. This will reveal a set of operations that you can perform on the catalog. Click on the triangle to the left of the
Maintenance label. Click on the "
Reintegrate Forgotten Catalog" button. The operation may take some time if your catalog is large.
That should do it.