Fairly new to PM+, amateur hobbyist, and this is my first post, so please bear with me if I've missed something obvious.
PM+ version 6.0 build 6645
OS: Windows 10
I would like to embed XMP data in my RAW files when ingesting (I go to Preferences, IPTC/XMP, uncheck "Always create and/or update XMP sidecar file"), but I prefer to create XMP sidecar files for keywording.
Why, you may ask? Olympus cameras add "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" to the IPTC Content Description field. If I forget to get rid of it, this is displayed as the image title on some platforms. I want it gone. Fried right out of my RAW files. So, I can achieve this by unchecking "Always create and/or update XMP sidecar file" when ingesting. So far, so good.
I also prefer to create XMP sidecar files when keywording, as I understand that PM+ catalogs work more efficiently when reading and writing XMP files, rather than large RAW files. To achieve this, I need to remember to go to Preferences, and check that option "Always create and/or update XMP sidecar file".
If I leave that option checked for ingesting, I found I get an XMP sidecar file and also the IPTC Content Description is cleared with the Metadata IPTC Template I use for my ingest. But if I then add keywords, I found the keywords are also added to the RAW. This is not necessarily a problem so long as the keywords are in the XMP for the catalog to use, but I'd prefer to keep RAW embedding to a minimum (I'd like to only clear the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA from the Content field, and add my copyright, leave the RAW file alone otherwise).
To achieve what I prefer, I need to remember to go to Preferences and change the option "Always create and/or update XMP sidecar file" for ingesting, vs. keywording.
Is there an elegant way (say, in the ingest process without going to Preferences), to force RAW file embedded metadata when ingesting, and force XMP sidecar with no keywords written to the RAW file when keywording? I'm well aware that I can also edit/change metadata when importing to my editing software (I do it in Capture One) but if I'm using PM+ at the start of my workflow, I'd like to do it within PM+.
Thanks everyone.