Author Topic: PM+ Questions...  (Read 1964 times)

Offline Iso100

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PM+ Questions...
« on: January 15, 2023, 04:31:01 AM »
I'm testing PM+ (on macOS) and have a few questions. I took thousands of pictures last year and would like to catalogue and edit them. I wasn't sure about the most efficient folder structure (separate RAWs from JPEGs, edited JPEGs, keyworded files?, move them around? etc.) at first, but after some thoughts decided that the best way for me would be to keep everything in the same folder and let the software handle it. Here is an example:

Let's say I have a folder ("2023_01_15") that contains ARW raw files only. I created collections and sorted each picture into a category.
When I edit one of the ARW pictures with PS, save the JPEG (+ the sidecar) next to the ARW file, PM+ displays only one file with corrected colors, which is great. That's what I want.

Question #1: Unfortunately the collection and browse section counts ARW+JPEG as two pictures. Is there a way to change that? I would prefer to know how many pictures I "really" have.

Question #2: I would also like to temporarily filter out/hide pictures that exist in ARW+JPEG combination. That way I would be able to see all unedited raw files that still need processing. Is there a way to achieve this? I've seen the "Set Info Box", but I don't know, how to take advantage of it.

Question #3: This is a minor "problem" I have. When I browse through imported folders, it only needs one mouse click to display pictures on the right. When I try the same in the "collections" section, it needs a double click. Is there a way to change that?

Thank you.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: PM+ Questions...
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2023, 04:29:03 PM »
I'm testing PM+ (on macOS) and have a few questions. I took thousands of pictures last year and would like to catalogue and edit them. I wasn't sure about the most efficient folder structure (separate RAWs from JPEGs, edited JPEGs, keyworded files?, move them around? etc.) at first, but after some thoughts decided that the best way for me would be to keep everything in the same folder and let the software handle it. Here is an example:

Let's say I have a folder ("2023_01_15") that contains ARW raw files only. I created collections and sorted each picture into a category.
When I edit one of the ARW pictures with PS, save the JPEG (+ the sidecar) next to the ARW file, PM+ displays only one file with corrected colors, which is great. That's what I want.

Question #1: Unfortunately the collection and browse section counts ARW+JPEG as two pictures. Is there a way to change that? I would prefer to know how many pictures I "really" have.

No, there is no way to change how images are counted.  If an image is in a catalog its presence contributes to the count.

Question #2: I would also like to temporarily filter out/hide pictures that exist in ARW+JPEG combination. That way I would be able to see all unedited raw files that still need processing. Is there a way to achieve this? I've seen the "Set Info Box", but I don't know, how to take advantage of it.

You could assign a different star rating to your derived images and filter them out.  This can also be done with the Color Class (color label system) via the Color Class filter.

Question #3: This is a minor "problem" I have. When I browse through imported folders, it only needs one mouse click to display pictures on the right. When I try the same in the "collections" section, it needs a double click. Is there a way to change that?

No.  In order to provide context for various organization options, single clicks do nothing but select a collection.



Offline Iso100

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Re: PM+ Questions...
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2023, 10:55:23 AM »
Thank you very much for answering my questions!
That's a pity... I need the star/color rating for other purposes. The "raw is unedited" filter would also have to be assigned automatically, because if I edit one raw file outside of PM, I would have to remember and apply this note each time to a picture afterwards, which could be complicated.

Thank you once again.
Best regards.

Offline MNeipris

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Re: PM+ Questions...
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2023, 12:25:29 PM »
If the goal is to see RAW files separate from RAW+JPEG pairs, you can sort the contact sheet by {type} using the dropdown menu above the first row of images. The RAW+JPG pairs will be sorted to the bottom/end of the contact sheet while the RAW files with no associated JPEGs will be at the start/top.

Offline Iso100

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Re: PM+ Questions...
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2023, 12:34:52 PM »
Thank you very much for your replay. Unfortunately I already uninstalled the demo version of PM+ (with 20 days to go) and am unable to try it out again. Maybe I will test it on a different computer.
Well, there would still remain the issue with ARW+JPEG pictures being counted "twice". I don't know if I could leave with that. I can only imagine that it "could" become very irritating in the long term.
Thank you once again.