Author Topic: Refresh Thumbnail strip in Preview Mode after changing the tag  (Read 1081 times)

Offline rkuhn

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From the main window, when I select only tagged images (or 5 star images or whatever), then go into the preview window to view all the tagged photos, when I un-tag a photo I wish the thumbnail strip would reset to show ONLY the tagged photos. It leaves the untagged photo in the set, which is counterproductive when I'm culling. When I cull, I either select images I like then look at the focus in preview mode, or I choose the images with good focus and then cull them down to the ones I want. I use Adobe Bridge to cull most often because it's SO easy to use to do this - if I just want 5 star images to show in Bridge and I change the star rating, it immediately takes the non 5-star image out. Any suggestions???