Author Topic: Two very slow functions  (Read 869 times)

Offline PhiK

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Two very slow functions
« on: August 24, 2023, 02:04:29 PM »

I am running Photo Mechanic version 6.0, build 6784  on Windows 10 x64.

There are 2 functions which I am using a lot, but unfortunately they are very slow :

- when a contact sheet is open and I want to open the metadata (IPTC) info for a specific image, it takes more than 40 seconds (up to 1 minute sometimes)  to open ;

- when I want to open a medatada (IPTC) template, it also takes around 30 seconds at least.

This is very frustrating.

Is there a way to accelerate this ?

Thanks in advance


Offline Bob Russell

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Re: Two very slow functions
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2023, 05:27:55 PM »
I recommend contacting our support department ( for a solution to this problem. Photo Mechanic should be able to open the Metadata (IPTC) Template in about a second or less. Opening the Metadata (IPTC) Info dialog, should be almost as fast if the image is on an internal drive. Include the file types you are working with along with their location in your system. If you can also send a copy of the file, then this could help determine the source of these speed issues. Go to Photo Mechanic's Help menu -> Reveal Support Data to access the file. It will be selected in the new Explorer window.

Best regards,


Offline PhiK

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Re: Two very slow functions
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2023, 11:46:06 PM »
Thanks a lot for your answer; I sent a message to the support team. But I did not succeed to generate a diagnostic data file : there is an error message "an error occured while generating diagnostic data". Best regards Philippe