Running Photomechanic 6, latest build, MacOS Sonoma.
I can't figure out where PM stores the names associated with folder color labels. Some time ago, I had assigned some finder tags for use by a different application (Hazel). Photomechanic picked up these names at some point and refuses to associate the colors with any other names. These names are obsolete for me at this point, so I'd like to just rename the folder colors back to "red, yellow, green, blue, etc" or better yet, assign some workflow tag names that make sense in Photomechanic, like "unedited, edited, priority, etc., instead having obsolete tag names appear, e.g. "stop, travel expense, medical expense, go, etc.)
I've tried clearing the tags from MacOS. I've tried reinstalling Photomechanic. Nothing seems to work, and the old names for the colors persist. How do I reset these?