Author Topic: Is there a problem with PM's IPTC info importing into iView Media Pro?  (Read 9498 times)

Offline Ernie Rice

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I'm using PM 4.3.8 and iView Media Pro3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.6 to create a searchable database of the photos in my archive which is a mix of tiff and jpeg files.

I use PM to set my IPTC info and assign keywords, but the IPTC info does not import into Media Pro with all the photos(and in no seeming patern).  The only way I've found to get the information to correctly import is to open the affected photos in photoshop and make a change to the file info and then save the photo.

The tech guy at iView gave this opinion
"I think the problem you are having is because the way MediaPro works, MediaPro only reads one of two types of Annotations, so if an image only has iptc legacy then MediaPro will read the annotations in, if the image has both iptc and iptc xmp core, then MediaPro will favour iptc xmp core as it’s the newer standard.

In the case of the image that does not work it maybe that the date created is in iptc xmp core and the rest in iptc legacy."

Does this make any sense to you guys?  I'm pretty much at my wits end. 

Thanks for any help,

Offline Kirk Baker

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I'm using PM 4.3.8 and iView Media Pro3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.6 to create a searchable database of the photos in my archive which is a mix of tiff and jpeg files.

I use PM to set my IPTC info and assign keywords, but the IPTC info does not import into Media Pro with all the photos(and in no seeming patern).  The only way I've found to get the information to correctly import is to open the affected photos in photoshop and make a change to the file info and then save the photo.

The tech guy at iView gave this opinion
"I think the problem you are having is because the way MediaPro works, MediaPro only reads one of two types of Annotations, so if an image only has iptc legacy then MediaPro will read the annotations in, if the image has both iptc and iptc xmp core, then MediaPro will favour iptc xmp core as it’s the newer standard.

In the case of the image that does not work it maybe that the date created is in iptc xmp core and the rest in iptc legacy."

Does this make any sense to you guys?  I'm pretty much at my wits end.

Well, you can tell PM to do IPTC, XMP or both.  How about doing a few tests with a few images?  First in the Preferences->IPTC/XMP tab, find the section titled "When writing IPTC/XMP:"  There is a popup menu with the title "For JPEG, TIFF, PSD photos:" and it has three choices:

Add embedded IPTC
Add embedded IPTC4XMP
Add both embedded IPTC and IPTC4XMP

We will be working with this popup menu.  OK the preferences dialog.

Take three images straight from the camera without applying any IPTC Stationery Pad.

Change the popup menu to "Add embedded IPTC" and OK the preferences dialog.  Then click the 'i' button on the first image.  In the Caption field, enter some memorable text.  OK the IPTC Info dialog.

Go back to the IPTC/XMP preferences and change the popup to "Add embedded IPTC4XMP" and OK the preferences dialog. Then click the 'i' button on the second image.  In the Caption field, enter some memorable text.  OK the IPTC Info dialog.

Go back to the IPTC/XMP preferences one last time and change the popup to "Add both embedded IPTC and IPTC4XMP" and OK the preferences dialog. Then click the 'i' button on the third image.  In the Caption field, enter some memorable text.  OK the IPTC Info dialog.

Now import all three images into iView Media Pro 3.0.2 and then look at each image's metadata.  Which one works best?  Go back to PM and set the popup to the method that worked best.

Doing an exhaustive test like that will give you a definite answer to your question.



Offline Kirk Baker

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I'm using PM 4.3.8 and iView Media Pro3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.6 to create a searchable database of the photos in my archive which is a mix of tiff and jpeg files.

I missed that you were using 4.3.8.  I gave you information that only works on 4.4 and higher.  4.3.8 does not have the controls that I described in 4.4.x.

I'm pretty sure that 4.4.x will solve your issue since you can have complete control over what kinds of metadata are added to your files.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Offline Ernie Rice

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Thanks Kirk, I'll download the trial and give it a shot tonight if I have time and let you know the results.


Offline Ernie Rice

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Thanks Kirk, this solved the problem.  Looks like it was the new core XMP thing.

I guess I'll need to buy the version then.
