I have sent a pm. I note that in Bridge viewing the file info, there isn't the problem and the field displays correctly. It is only when a file is opened in PS and then the file info panel called up.
The characters you listed do indeed appear in the XMP data. Since you are using the IPTC Stationery Pad to add your copyright information I would like for you to save your IPTC Stationery Pad out as an XMP file (use the Save button) and upload the XMP file to our server.
I think somehow when you typed Option-G to get the copyright symbol in the IPTC Stationery Pad, you may have pressed some other characters first that are non-printable and are being included in the output.
I received your XMP file from the IPTC Stationery Pad. It does indeed have two non-printable characters in it. They can be removed by putting the cursor in the Copyright field, typing Command-A and then hit the backspace key. Then close and reopen the IPTC Stationery Pad. Then re-enter your copyright and close the IPTC Stationery Pad.
I'm not sure how you were able to type those characters but the text field took them and held onto them even though it did not display them.
I'll look into adding some sort of validation that removes any characters that are non-printable before loading/saving the text.