i took 3 pictures about an hour ago on my Nikin D70s. i came home, removed the Lexar 4GB Compact Flash, put it into my Lexar reader and ingested the photos. when completed i had three frames in red saying the pictures could not be rendered. does any one have any ideas?
i also have a mesage in the ingest screen.
"Error copying: /Volumes/NIKON D70/DCIM/100NCD70/DSC_0003.JPG to: /Volumes/Fire Wire 400 One/PHOTO MECHANIC MASTER FOLDER/DSC_0003.JPG
Error copying: /Volumes/NIKON D70/DCIM/100NCD70/DSC_0204.JPG to: /Volumes/Fire Wire 400 One/PHOTO MECHANIC MASTER FOLDER/DSC_0204.JPG
Warning: Finished copying from volume "/Volumes/NIKON D70/", but not unmounting because there were errors.