I have a folder that is in the order of 2600 web sized JPG images. I am going through the contact sheet with about 5 columns of images being displayed. As a move through the list setting the star ratings eventually PM does not let me set anymore ratings on any other images. However, if I change the number of columns being displayed, I can continue on for a while. Then it stops letting me set the ratings. I wait 1 a minute or two and try again, but no luck. I can do other menu bar functions and look at full size images, but will not let me set the start ratings until I choose a different number of columns (one I have not used before.)
I monitored the cpu, disk i/o and memory activity and it falls quickly to idle levels. There are no other obvious processes using resources (ie: CS2, etc is not running)
I am using PM 4.5.3 beta 3. On Windows Vista, 2.4GHZ duo Core with tons of disk, etc...