After installing the recent upgrade to 4.5.3 on my WinXP version of PM, I went to add some keywords to a photo and my keyword list was blank. I can not find where prior preferences might have been saved, either. I did review the "Docs and Settiongs\Application Data\CameraBits, Inc\PhotoMechanic" folders and found no keyword lists and most of the folders appear empty.
Unfortunately, I do not have copies of these folders from before the version upgrade.
Clicking "import" from keywords panel has no result/action. Clicking the lightening bolt prompts 'save' but does not reveal where that might be.
I would like not to have to recompile my keywords list (which I, of course hadn't saved as a TXT file or such). I also saw no way to 'collect' a list of keywords from my current photos to reverse engineer a complete list.
Thanks for your time in helping with this relatively minor (but potentially time-consuming problem).
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