Feature request regarding Apple Aperture projects:
As far as I know an Aperture project is just a package, and inside are folders containing the RAW file plus an XMP or other file containing the IPTC metadata.
Would it be possible to make PM able to read and understand such a project structure? If I open an Aperture project using 'Show Package Contents' in the finder, I can the open each image's folder and see the RAW file. Can PM do this for the whole package and then just show the images and ignore the other files?
Would it be possible to Photo Mechanic to open an Aperture Project, display the images and allow the user to edit the IPTC caption? Then the project could be re-imported into Aperture with the new meta-data changed.
Furthermore, would PM be able to open an Aperture LIBRARY (with Aperture closed) and edit the metadata. Everything else could be locked down so that only the IPTC fields are editable, thus avoiding any inconsistencies within the Aperture database.
At the very basic level, an Aperture project could be exported and then deleted from Aperture. That project would then be opened and read by PM, caption and other IPTC data edited by the user, then the project re-imported into Aperture.