Hi Kirk,
I'd be happy to help with the beta.
I've done a bit more playing, based on what you're saying about XMP data now being created by NX2 inside the NEF. What had been troubling me is that *all* NEFs in my folder had been edited by NX2, and yet only a subset of those were not transferring star ratings across to EM. I'd expect it to be all or nothing.
However, I believe that this may be due to the fact that I actually directly edit (open, tweak, save and close) only a small selection of NEFs from a shoot, and then copy settings across to other NEFs in a batch process.
So I reckon that NX2 is embedding star rating XMP data (at the 0 star level because it doesn't read my PM-created XMP sidecars) into those NEFs I *directly* edit. For the batch process applied to the rest, NX2 does not embed any star rating XMP data into the NEF, so many (most) of my NEFs have no embedded star ratings from NX2.
When importing into EM, I guess that EM is reading embedded XMP star ratings in preference to sidecar XMP ratings, and so will always prefer what NX2 has put in -- at the 0 star level, making it appear as if my ratings are vanishing.
For those NEFs that have only been *batched* by NX2, rather than directly edited, there is no embedded XMP rating, so EM will happily look at what PM has put into the sidecar.
I haven't fully tested this, but it seems at least faintly plausible.
I guess there is now no option but to do as you say, and get PM to embed data into the NEF rather than use sidecars (since I can't see a way to force EM to read sidecars above embedded). Unless your beta will change things...