I have a mac book pro osxv10.46 with Intel processor and I have the trial version of photo mecnanic I wanted to insert the copyright symbol onto my photos also a watermark if availible photoshop allows you to insert the copyright symbol on your images- not sure if you can add a watermark using cs2 or if you need a plug-in I'm new to photo mechanic but have printed out some of the commands for MAC and hope to spend a lot of time learning this program-thanks for your help...(I did add my name to the attached data file in the copyright section)
If you put any text at all into the IPTC Copyright field, then it will show up in Photoshop as copyrighted. To enter a copyright symbol (if you want the actual character) you type Option-G.
Photo Mechanic can put text-only watermarks on images that you process through Photo Mechanic, like in Save As and FTP As, or Upload to PhotoShelter, and in HTML exporting and Printing proofs.