Author Topic: Mac Users  (Read 8020 times)

Offline pbets

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Mac Users
« on: July 13, 2006, 03:20:55 PM »
I just bought photo mechanic, I have been trying it out on a PC and have just bought it and put it on both my PC and my Mac. On my mac, if PM is open and I close it down to go on the internet or whatever, the Photo Mechanic screen will not pop back up, it will tell me that I am in the program but the platformis not showing, I have to "Quit" and then open it up again.

Any Suggestion or is that the way it is?
Thanks guys and any quick learning tips or cool things that I may not know would be helpful, like this "ingest" command I hear so much about.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Mac Users
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2006, 04:47:06 PM »

I just bought photo mechanic, I have been trying it out on a PC and have just bought it and put it on both my PC and my Mac. On my mac, if PM is open and I close it down to go on the internet or whatever, the Photo Mechanic screen will not pop back up, it will tell me that I am in the program but the platformis not showing, I have to "Quit" and then open it up again.

Any Suggestion or is that the way it is?

I'll assume that by "I close it down" you mean that you are closing the Contact Sheet window by clicking on the red close box (x) in the upper left corner.  This does not quit Photo Mechanic.  To Quit Photo Mechanic, either type Command-Q or use the Photo Mechanic menu in the menubar and choose Quit.

If instead all you wanted was for Photo Mechanic to hide itself, you could just use Command-H or choose "Hide" from the Photo Mechanic menu in the menubar.  To restore it, you can use Command-Tab to use the application switcher, or you can just click on the Photo Mechanic icon in the dock.

None of this is unique to Photo Mechanic, it is just a Mac thing.

Quote from: pbets
Thanks guys and any quick learning tips or cool things that I may not know would be helpful, like this "ingest" command I hear so much about.

Just browse the threads in this forum and I'm sure you'll find out all kinds of neat things to do with Photo Mechanic.  Or just play around and then ask questions.

Thanks for purchasing Photo Mechanic.
