I'm gussing this is a pretty non-standard thing to do, but I have a number of pictures taken from a cell phone that doesn't imbed the time date in the file, it does it with the file name instead... (mmddyyhhmm.jpg)
So, I've found that I can create a rename set of variables to fix the filename so it's in a format I like "20{fbas:4,2}{fbas-0,2}{fbase-2,2}-{fbas-6,4}00-VZW_{seqn}" so the above filename becomes 20090101-1300-VZW_001.jpg. but It won't let me use the {fbas} in the directory structure to make the directory names equiveland to my others. (YYYY-MM-DD-CameraModel)
So then I thought if I could reset the date and time of each pictures using variables like I did for the renaming, them I could re-injest after changing the date time and I'd have the proper directory structure, but It seems that's not availiable, unless I'm missing something. I don't see a way to reset the date/time in this fashion
Any suggestions??