Thanks so much. I do have the IPTC setting as you have them. The color scheme I have is different from yours, and I believe is what came as the default when I started PM 4.6.1. It is:
magenta, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, grey. I made sure that the same scheme exists in NX2, with label 9 unassigned. However, I changed the names for the color scheme to functional titles, as I had in the past when using NX2 with ViewNX. they are: waiting, tag 2, tag 3, tag 4, PP-started, PP-maybe, PP-close, PP-finished. This reflects my typical workflow and progress, with star ratings linked to quality judgement. It makes sense for me, and it also makes sense that the colors have assigned meanings to them, not just names of the very colors we can all see before us. The colors and lables for them are the same in PM and NX2. Functionally at this point, changing assigned labels in PM transfer to NX2, so that's a start, but the reverse does not happen. does that provide any valuable clue? I looked at the other thread (thanks for that very relevant tip), but I am set up as noted there as well. I can't seem to find a nuance that makes sense.