Under Windows XP Pro, inserting a card with images into the card reader opened a selection box with ingest into PM as a choice. I have upgraded (or maybe downgraded, I haven't decided) to Vista 64 on a new system. I no longer get the PM ingest as a choice when a card is inserted. Going to the autorun configuration gives me only limited choices and no PM. I found an app called Autoplay Repair (not MS Autoplay fixer) that allows more modifications to the autorun selections. However, I'm not sure what I need to point to as far as an .exe file goes. Just going to PM opens PM but not the ingest menu. I know I'm only a couple of clicks away or I could set PM to always open to ingest. The whole autoplay issue is a minor inconvenience not a major deal so I can live with it if necessary. I'm just a tinkerer (or control freak) I guess and want to set things my way. Oh, On mount of Camera Disk is set to show ingest dialog.