I am using Photo Mechanic version 4.6.3 and I run Windows XP Professional on a HP Laptop PC.
I have just started to use the Demo. When I load a set of images that have previously had IPTC data
applied using adobe bride, none of the caption info that was previously saved in bridge for these images
appears in Photo Mechanic's stationary pad. For example, in Adobe Bridge, I entered captions in the "Description" field.
But this does not come into the "Caption Field" in photomechanic.
However, If I write caption data in Photo Mechanic into the Caption field on the IPTC stationary pad,
It WILL overwite the previously entered caption text which was put there using Adobe Bridge's "Description" field.
How can I get photo mechanic to read in the previously entered metadata?
If its able to write the data out, why can it not read in the same?