OSX 10.6.1 ; PM the latest beta
Hi Kirk,
To accomodate those on Netbooks, is it possible to shrink by 10% the length of the IPTC Pad and the Preferences Box (on a Mac), which are just a tad too tall to display fully on the screen, with the OK and Cancel buttons just out of reach. More importantly, the Snapshot button, my most used button, cannot be accessed on the Netbook.
On the Mac, there is an OS workaround, involving a command in Terminal to shrink all screens to 90%, and that allows me to see the full IPTC Pad and Prefs Box, but the same command also breaks Lightroom and Firefox, so I prefer not to use it.
Perhaps you can implement this during the transition from the latest Beta to the final release?
Attached are screen shots of the boxes before and after 10% shrink.
Many thanks,
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