Why do you think that Photo Mechanic is responsible?
Because I didn't have this problem until I started using Photo Mechanic. Because I'm talking about pictures that are years old and have been fine until now.
What operations have you done in Photo Mechanic with those images besides view them as thumbnails or previews?
Nothing on most of them because I can't 'see' them. On other ones - I've added GPS co-ordinates and IPTC-info.
What are the sizes of the files? What is their last modification time? What modified them?
There are so many marked 'unable to render image' scattered throughout my many photo folders, I will pick one at random, and here's the info:
Size: 138kb, Windows says, although it won't actually show the photo. Date taken: 3/15/05, IPTC address, city, state added on December 10, 2009 using Photo Mechanic. There are 21 photos in that section of my 2005 photos that say "unable to render image" -
nothing has been done to any of them for months or years besides adding the IPTC address, city and state using PM on December 10, 2009 at 8:56 PM PST. I scan through my photos regularly and have never seen any of them 'unrendered' before.
I'm not the only person bringing this issue to your attention. When I joined the forum today, the first thing I did was search for the phrase 'unable to render' and came up with a long page of posts, but nothing I could see that addressed simple jpg's.