Hi Kirk,
Thanks for your reply.
Please watch this screencast which shows how with FlickrExport for iPhoto (from
http://connectedflow.com) and Flickr Uploadr (from Flickr), you can easily upload photos to a new photoset:
http://screencast.com/t/ZTBjOTk4Since Flickr's UI is terrible, the above setups actually save quite a bit of steps after the uploading process completes when you have to finish up on the Flickr site (go to 'Organize & Create' which takes time to load, load in recently uploaded photos, add to new set...). It's not major, but when you're doing this on a daily/weekly basis, it adds up.
Actually, I'm thinking of switching to SmugMug even though I have a Flickr Pro account so this may not be a big deal for me shortly! $15 more per year for SmugMug seems worth it for a company that is way more responsive to customers (just like Camera Bits!) and offers a service that has a much more user-friendly UI and higher-quality/res viewing, especially on large screens. I just signed up last night for their 14-day trial but very much like what I'm experiencing and discovering about both the service and company (researched on and off their site). If anyone wants to try/sign up for SmugMug (
http://www.smugmug.com), they can use my referral code wdyeZcwHEQnpR which gives them $5 off the annual fee and $10 credit to me.
Hope this helps and thanks for listening.