Author Topic: Photo Mechanic 4.6.4 public beta 1  (Read 6226 times)

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Photo Mechanic 4.6.4 public beta 1
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:13:28 PM »
Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce the first public beta version of Photo Mechanic 4.6.4.  This new version addresses a number of issues that were discovered after the release of Photo Mechanic 4.6.3.

Download the Mac OS X version here.
Download the Windows version here.

Version Information

Version 4.6.4
* (Mac) Applying IPTC Stationery to JPEGs during Ingest on Snow Leopard Macs no longer causes slow Ingests to occur.
* (Mac) Paths with various characters handled by the terminal are now handled properly.  This issue affected ingesting and copying of images when paths contained characters like: " ' \ * ! ~ ` $ ( ) [ ] { } ? : & ; | % ^ < > #
* Added a plugin for PhaseOne TIFF (RAW) files so that they are treated as RAW files and will allow the use of XMP sidecar files.
* Added support for RAW files from the Olympus E-P2.
* Renaming files without using renaming variables like {seqn} is now allowed as long as all renamed files will have unique names.
* Codes in Code Replacement are now trimmed of whitespace before being loaded for evaluation.
* Extended range ISO values (Lo and Hi) for Nikon cameras such as the D3S are now recognized to derive high (and low) {iso} values such as 102,400.
* Corrected an issue where the Ingest sequence variable would not be evaluated correctly for unknown file types during Ingest.  Now other variables like date-related variables can also be used with unknown file types during Ingest.
* Inline renaming on Contact Sheet thumbnails now accepts the use of {variables}.
* Using variables in the form of {variable:N,M} in the Keywords field no longer causes the variable to be interpreted incorrectly when the comma character is used as the keyword separator.
* Photo Mechanic Preferences are now saved far more often to correct issues where improper shutdown would cause a loss of preferences.
* (Mac) A warning dialog now appears when attempting to close a top-level window containing multiple Contact Sheet tabs.
* (Mac) Drag and drop copying now checks for multiple files with the same name before the copy starts and considers this an error condition.
* (Mac) Launching for editing the RAW file of a RAW+JPEG pair when the RAW and JPEG files reside in different folders now works correctly.
* (Win) It is no longer possible to leave the modal state of a copy operation.
* (Win) In the Structured Keywords windows, creating a new item now preselects it for editing.