Hello Everyone,
We are pleased to announce the third public beta version of Photo Mechanic 4.6.4. This new version addresses a number of issues that were discovered after the release of Photo Mechanic 4.6.3.
Download the Mac OS X version
Download the Windows version
Version Information
Version 4.6.4
* (Mac) Applying IPTC Stationery to JPEGs during Ingest on Snow Leopard Macs no longer causes slow Ingests to occur.
* (Mac) Paths with various characters handled by the terminal are now handled properly. This issue affected ingesting and copying of images when paths contained characters like: " ' \ * ! ~ ` $ ( ) [ ] { } ? : & ; | % ^ < > #
* Added a plugin for PhaseOne TIFF (RAW) files so that they are treated as RAW files and will allow the use of XMP sidecar files.
* Added support for RAW files from the Olympus E-P2.
* PM Classic Exporter template now can generate hierarchical galleries with an index page. Just open a single contact sheet with multiple folders and each folder will be represented in a separate gallery.
* When using the "Revert TIFF-based RAW to original" command, if the option to backup to an XMP sidecar file is checked then the end-of-file preferences added by Photo Mechanic will also be removed from the RAW file and stored in the XMP sidecar. This end-of-file data was causing checksums (such as MD5) to fail when compared to the checksum of the original RAW file.
* To be consistent, Photo Mechanic no longer loads ACR crops in XMP for RAW files (it used to only load these if the crop angle was 0). Photo Mechanic now uses its own namespace for loading and saving crops in XMP. However, when saving crops for RAW files in XMP, if no ACR XMP crop exists then Photo Mechanic will additionally write the crop in the ACR namespace.
* Renaming files without using renaming variables like {seqn} is now allowed as long as all renamed files will have unique names.
* Fixed an issue in the HTML Template Exporter where the last selected image's variables would be expanded as if it were the first selected image.
* Codes in Code Replacement are now trimmed of whitespace before being loaded for evaluation.
* Extended range ISO values (Lo and Hi) for Nikon cameras such as the D3S are now recognized to derive high (and low) {iso} values such as 102,400.
* Inline renaming on Contact Sheet thumbnails now accepts the use of {variables}.
* Corrected an issue where the Ingest sequence variable would not be evaluated correctly for unknown file types during Ingest. Now other variables like date-related variables can also be used with unknown file types during Ingest.
* (Win) Added code to retry renaming to workaround virus scanning applications that temporarily take exclusive control of files while they scan them.
* (Win) Fixed an issue where a message box would appear warning that "A parameter is incorrect" when interacting with the Ingest dialog's 'Folder sequence' value if Autocomplete was enabled.
* Using variables in the form of {variable:N,M} in the Keywords field no longer causes the variable to be interpreted incorrectly when the comma character is used as the keyword separator.
* Photo Mechanic Preferences are now saved far more often to correct issues where improper shutdown would cause a loss of preferences.
* (Mac) A warning dialog now appears when attempting to close a top-level window containing multiple Contact Sheet tabs.
* (Mac) Drag and drop copying now checks for multiple files with the same name before the copy starts and considers this an error condition.
* (Mac) Launching for editing the RAW file of a RAW+JPEG pair when the RAW and JPEG files reside in different folders now works correctly.
* (Win) It is no longer possible to leave the modal state of a copy operation.
* (Win) In the Structured Keywords windows, creating a new item now preselects it for editing.