Author Topic: Burning Disc - including sub-folders  (Read 4796 times)

Offline BKPhotos

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Burning Disc - including sub-folders
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:26:28 AM »
This may have been asked before, but I did not find an answer in the archives or manual.

How (if possible) can I burn a folder and include any sub-folders onto a disc?

Example: after I ingest to c:\user\pictures\sports\football\college\game1, I make some corrections and convert selected images to a sub-folder named "HR-Res JPEGs". I want to ensure when I burn a back-up of the "Game1" folder, that any sub-folders (e.g., HR-Res JPEGs) are inclucded.

I can do this using Finder, but did not see a setting within PM to ensure the sub-folder is included. I am using Have both OS X 10.4.7 and Windows XP SP2

Any help Kirk?



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Burning Disc - including sub-folders
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2006, 11:49:09 AM »

This may have been asked before, but I did not find an answer in the archives or manual.

How (if possible) can I burn a folder and include any sub-folders onto a disc?

Example: after I ingest to c:\user\pictures\sports\football\college\game1, I make some corrections and convert selected images to a sub-folder named "HR-Res JPEGs". I want to ensure when I burn a back-up of the "Game1" folder, that any sub-folders (e.g., HR-Res JPEGs) are inclucded.

I can do this using Finder, but did not see a setting within PM to ensure the sub-folder is included. I am using Have both OS X 10.4.7 and Windows XP SP2

You'll have to open your subfolders into the same Contact Sheet window.  In the Navigator, twiddle open your main folder (game1) and you should see "HR-Res JPEGs" as a subfolder.  Control-click on the subfolder and choose the option that says "Open in current Contact Sheet".  Do this for all subfolders or any other folders you want to burn as a group.

All of you photos will now appear side-by-side in the same Contact Sheet.  Use the Burn Photos to Disc command on the file menu, and be sure to include at least one or two parent folders, otherwise you will likely have naming conflicts when all of the files are burned to the root of the disc.



Offline BKPhotos

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Re: Burning Disc - including sub-folders
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 11:52:23 AM »
Thanks Kirk. The fast reply is super. Keep up the great work!!!
